Glass – Facts and Benefits

Glass can be formed by nature when lightning strikes sand. The high temperature causes the sand grains to melt together

Glass cannot decompose naturally

Recycled glass can be used as an additive in clay brick manufacturing

Silica in the form of sand is the main ingredient used in glass, combined with soda ash and limestone


Glass makes up about 8% of the household waste stream


Glass is 100% recyclable and can be recycled endlessly without losing its quality and purity


Recycling one glass bottle can power a TV for 20 minutes

2 700 ℃

Glass is made by melting together several minerals at an average temperature of about 2 700 ℃


Recycled glass can be back on store shelves in as little as 30 days


Bottles and jars manufactured in South Africa contain at least 40% recycled content

670 kg

Every ton of glass bottles recycled prevents the emission of 670 kg of CO2. This will take 32 full-grown trees a year to absorb

Glass Recycling Process

Glass is sorted by a glass recycling company according to colour

The glass is then crushed and grinded into tiny pieces referred to as cullet

The glass then goes through a contaminant removal process where screens and magnetic fields are used to remove contaminants like ceramic, steel, paper and plastic

The cullet is then melted and used to manufacture new glass products

The new glass products then undergo decolourising and dyeing to get the required colour